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Shipping Fine Art and Antiques Overseas

move your fine art & antiques overseas safely with OSS

Moving fine art items from one country to another is a delicate process. At OSS World Wide Movers we specialise in international moving of fragile personal items including fine art and antique furniture.

Feel free to contact one of our move consultants to ask about your unique situation so that we can tailor a trouble free move for your valued items.
What if my artwork or antique is made from timber, bamboo or other related products?

The Deparatment of Agriculture and Water Materials have a Biosecurity Import Condidtions System (BICON) that outlines what is required to comply with the import and export of all imported timber, wooden articles, bamboo and related products (whether for commercial or personal use).

It is the responsibility of importers to ensure that their products meet the import conditions. OSS World Wide Movers can assist you with ensuring your artwork and antiques meet the import conditions to avoid delays, additional costs, and, in some cases, the re-export or destruction of your goods.
How is my artwork or antique(s) protected from damage?

Our crates and containers are lined with the required protective materials to ensure your artwork or antiques are carefully packed and prtoceted from damage.

We utilise polyethylene and polyurethane foams depending on the nature of the items being packed according to density, shock absorption vibration etc.
Can I pack my own artwork or antiques when moving overseas?

Incorrect packing, or the use of the wrong cushioning agents could potentially do more harm than good to your precious antiques. At OSS World Wide Movers, we determine the specific packing and cushioning requirements with relation to spacing, cushioning materials etc to protect your items.

It is strongly recommended that you contact one of our experienced OSS packing experts before you begin packing and planning your move.
get a tailored international shipping quote and move your items with a sense of security

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